Lesson 10

Add Fractions

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Strategies for Fraction Addition

Use Circle Pieces to Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators. Read the opening vignette in the Add Fractions pages in the Student Guide. The discussion between Kathy and Romesh is a continuation of the vignette about the class pizza party from the previous lesson.

  • How did you estimate an answer to the pizza problem in the previous lesson? (Possible responses: I needed to decide whether there was more or less than one whole pizza left over. I knew that 3/8 is less than 1/2. Therefore, 1/2 added to something less than 1/2 is less than one whole.)
  • How can you show today's problem with circle pieces? (1 pink piece added to 3 blue pieces, or 4 blue pieces added to 3 blue pieces.)

Assign Question 1. Students model the situation (1/2 + 3/8) using fraction circle pieces (Question 1A). Before solving to get an exact answer, Question 1B asks students to use their pieces to find out whether Kathy's estimate is accurate (i.e., whether the sum is less than one whole pizza). Then for Question 1C they use circle pieces to find an exact answer to the problem. They write a number sentence that corresponds to the solution in Question 1D.

Ask students to read through Romesh's and Kathy's solutions. Romesh replaces one of the colors to get only pieces of a single color. He then adds the single-color pieces together as a fraction sum. Romesh's method, which we will call the “single-color method,” lays the foundation for finding common denominators to add fractions. See Figure 1 and the Content Note.

Kathy's method involves solving the problem by finding the missing piece from the unit whole (the red circle). She recognizes that the second addend, 3/8, is 1/8 less than one half, so the entire sum is exactly 1/8 less than one, or 7/8. See Figure 2.

The procedure for finding common denominators will be developed formally later. At this point, it is important for students to become comfortable adding part-whole fractions with circle pieces before moving to a numerical algorithm too soon. Consistent use of circle pieces to solve problems helps students develop an intuitive sense of the relative sizes of fractions and fraction sums. It also helps students make sense of the numerical procedure for fraction addition when it is formally introduced.

Question 2 asks students to discuss similarities and differences among Romesh's, Kathy's, and their own solutions.

  • Whose method, Romesh's or Kathy's, was more like your method?
  • Whose solution do you think works best, Romesh's, Kathy's, or your own? (Possible responses: Romesh's method is easier to follow. It also works for any pairs of colors of fraction pieces that can be replaced by a single color. Kathy's method may be more efficient but only works when a sum is close to a benchmark number, such as 1/2 or 1.)

Use Circle Pieces to Add Fractions with Like Denominators. The problem in Question 1 requires finding the sum of fractions with two different denominators. When using the single-color method, one of the colors is replaced to match the second color. The problem in Question 3 involves adding fractions with like denominators. Therefore, no circle pieces need to be replaced before adding.

  • How is your model for Question 3 different from the pizza problem? (All the pieces were already the same color.)
  • Did this make the problem easier or harder? (Possible response: The problem is easier since no pieces have to be replaced before adding.)

Have students read about Romesh's and Kathy's solutions and complete Question 4. Students compare Romesh's and Kathy's strategies for solving the cookie problem. Romesh's method again involves adding pieces of a single color. Kathy's method again involves finding the missing piece from the unit whole.

Question 5 involves addition of fractions with unlike denominators. After students complete the question using circle pieces, have them read Romesh's, Kathy's, and Julia's methods for solving the problem. Using Romesh's single-color method, both colors need to be replaced to achieve a single color. See Figure 3.

Kathy's method, however, does not use replacement. Rather, she compares the sum to the benchmark fraction of 1/2. She notices that the pieces extend beyond 1/2 by the equivalent of one black piece (1/12). Her method is like her strategies from the pizza and cookie problems, except that she finds the “extra” piece instead of the “missing” piece. See Figure 4.

Julia makes the connection between replacing the fraction circle pieces with all one color and using multiplication or division to find equivalent fractions with common denominators. See Figure 5.

  • Is your method more like Romesh's, Kathy's, or Julia's? Or was it completely different? Explain.
  • Did you trade pieces to use a single color like Romesh's method?
  • Did you use a benchmark to figure out the answers like Kathy? How?
  • Did you use multiplication to find equivalent fractions with common denominators like Julia? Show us.
  • Which method do you prefer and why? Does it depend on the problem? Explain.

Assign Question 6. Students are asked to note the variations and similarities in the ways that Questions 1, 3, and 5 can be solved.

Romesh solves 1/2 + 3/8 using the “single-color method”
Kathy solves 1/2 + 3/8 using the benchmark number 1, or 8/8
Romesh solves 1/4 + 1/3 by replacing the yellow and orange pieces with all black pieces
Kathy solves 1/4 + 1/3 using the benchmark 1/2
Julia uses multiplication to find equivalent fractions with common denominators