Lesson 7

Workshop: Fraction Concepts

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Display the first page of the Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To Masters. Start by representing a fraction (proper, improper, or mixed number) between 0 and 2 by name, number, or with one of the representations on the page: a rectangle, number line, or circle. For example, the fraction 13/8 could be represented in words on the Master as “one and three-eighths.” See Step 1 in Figure 4.

Next, choose a volunteer to continue. He or she uses a paper clip and pencil and spins the spinner on the second page of the Master. The spinner will indicate whether he or she should show a fraction greater than, less than, or equal to the initial fraction. The new fraction can be represented by name or by number, or by using one of the remaining representation options on the page. For example, for a spin of "Less Than," the student could shade 2/3 of one of the circles on the page. See Step 2. Each representation option is shown twice on the page. When the options have been used twice, they may not be chosen again.

The other students in the class should use fraction circle pieces, the Fractions on Number Lines Chart in the Student Guide Reference section, or multiplication and division strategies to confirm that the new fraction is correct and is represented accurately.

Another volunteer is chosen to continue the activity with the newest fraction in mind. For example, if 2/3 was represented on the circle, and "Equal To" was spun, a student might represent 4/6 on a number line. See Step 3. Continue the activity until all of the representation options have been used.

Sample section from Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To activity