Lesson 1

Estimate Quotients

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Summarize the lesson by having students complete Questions 8–12 in the Estimation Problems section in the Student Guide. These problems require estimation strategies, but first students must interpret the situations as division problems. Remind students that exact answers are not required—only estimates. Student will continue to explore division concepts and use strategies for finding exact answers in the following two lessons.

Ask students to work in pairs on Questions 8 and 9 in the Student Guide. After students have had a chance to solve the problems, ask the pairs to share the problem, the solution, and how they checked to see if their answer was reasonable. Help students identify a reasonable range for each problem and articulate how they determined their estimate.

  • What is the division problem?
  • How did you decide which math facts to use?
  • Do you find it easier to give your estimate using one number or using a range of numbers?
  • Why?

Ask students to complete Check-In: Questions 10–12 independently.

Use Check-In: Questions 10–12 in the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to estimate quotients for division of multidigit numbers by one- and two-digit numbers [E5] and divide numbers that are multiples of ten [E6].