Students represent and identify numbers to the thousandths place using area models, number lines, words, symbols, and expanded form number sentences. They make connections and translate among these representations. Students connect representations of fractions and decimals and use them to represent the same quantity. Students use their understanding of place value to compare and order decimals to the thousandths place. They extend their understanding of place value and operations to develop strategies to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals.
Use this list of Expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit. | |
E1* | Represent numbers to the thousandths using fractions, decimals, words, area models, base-ten pieces, number lines, and expanded form. |
E2* | Make connections among representations of decimals including fractions, words, area models, base-ten pieces, number lines, and number sentences. |
E3 | Compare and order decimals to the thousandths using place value understanding and benchmarks. |
E4 | Round decimals using place value understanding. |
E5* | Recognize that in a multidigit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. |
E6* | Explain the patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of ten. |
E7* | Add and subtract decimals to the thousandths using models and strategies. |
E8* | Multiply and divide decimals using models and strategies. |
E9 | Estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients involving decimals and fractions. |
E10 | Use data tables and graphs to organize and display data involving decimal values. |
E11 | Describe a data set by interpreting graphs and data tables, identifying patterns, and using the median. |
E12 | Use relationships and patterns in a data set to make claims and predictions. |
E13* | Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication and division facts. |
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation |