Workshop: Decimal Concepts
Est. Class Sessions: 2Before the Lesson
This Workshop provides opportunities to review and practice decimal concepts. Prepare to observe and assess students' progress with these concepts using the following Expectations:
- E1.
- Represent numbers to the thousandths using fractions, decimals, words, area models, base-ten pieces, number lines, and expanded form.
- E3.
- Compare and order decimals to the thousandths using place value understanding and benchmarks.
- E7.
- Add and subtract decimals to the thousandths using models and strategies.
- E9.
- Estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients involving decimals and fractions.
Students will identify their level of confidence with a particular concept and choose games from the Workshop Menu. Use your own evaluation of students' progress to help guide their choices. See the TIMS Tip for more about Workshop Menus.
Students will choose 3 of 5 games listed on the Workshop Menu to play with a partner. You may choose to set the games up at stations. See Materials Preparation. Students may play different games with different partners as the Workshop progresses. Games can be played in any order. If a station is full, students can simply move on to another one of their game choices until the other game is available.