Lesson 4

Compare and Order Decimals

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Use the Decimal Order pages in the Student Activity Book to introduce the Decimal Order game to students. Split the class into two teams and ask each team to choose a spokesperson. Display two copies of the Decimal Order Game Board so each team has a game board. Review the directions of the game and play one round as a class. Then have students play the game with partners or in small groups. As students are playing, circulate among the students and ask them to explain how they decided where to place each decimal card.

Save copies of the directions and sets of the Decimal Cards for use during the Workshop in Lesson 9.

If students need an additional challenge with this game, provide them with a copy of the Fraction Cards Master. Students can then play this game using both fraction and decimal cards.

Assign the Represent and Compare Decimals Quiz in the Teacher Guide to students to complete independently.

Use the Represent and Compare Decimals Quiz Assessment Masters in the Teacher Guide to assess students' abilities to represent numbers to the thousandths using symbols, words, number lines, and expanded form [E1]; make connections among decimal representations including fractions, words, and expanded form E2]; compare and order decimal numbers to the thousandths [E3]; and round decimals [E4].

The Decimal Order game can be used and modified to provide targeted practice with these expectations.
