Lesson 8

Add and Subtract Decimals with Paper and Pencil

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Solving Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Use a Variety of Strategies. Assign Questions 4–18 on the Add and Subtract Decimals with Paper and Pencil pages in the Student Guide. Students can use any strategy they choose to solve the addition and subtraction problems. Encourage students to refer to their completed My Decimal Strategies Menus pages and to use tools such as fraction circle pieces, base-ten pieces, Hundredths Circle Wheels, hundredths circles, number lines, and hundredths grids as they answer the questions. Have copies of the Decimal Number Lines, Decimal Grids, and Hundredths Circles Masters available.

Discuss Solution Strategies. Upon completion of Questions 4–18, take some time to discuss students' solution strategies to several of the questions.

  • Was there a tool that helped you solve the problem?
  • How do you know that this answer is reasonable?
  • How did you label your answer?
  • Can someone solve this problem using a different tool or strategy?
  • Is this strategy on one of your strategy menus?
  • Who would like to show how to use paper and pencil to solve this problem?