Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Gather a collection of nickels for Lesson 1.
Gather flat toothpicks for Lesson 3.
Gather small jars of soap bubbles with bubbles wands for each student group for Lesson 6.
Gather stopwatches for each student group for Lesson 6.
Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- Triangle Flash Cards: All Groups
- calculators
- rulers
- fraction circle pieces
- Hundredths Circle Wheels
from Lesson 2
- Multiplication Facts I Know
- Division Facts I Know
- Blank Triangle Flash Cards
- Reference section (Student Guide)
- Decimal Grids
(Teacher Guide) Lesson 4
LESSON 1Measuring Stacks |
1–2 | Students revisit representing decimals with the metric units (millimeter, centimeter, and meter) while solving multistep problems involving stacks of coins and other objects. |
LESSON 2Fractions and Decimals |
1–2 | Students compare fractions and then use a new fraction circle piece, the hundredths, to help them to compare fractions that are not so easy. Student then use the hundredths circle to change fractions to decimals. |
LESSON 3Many Ways to Show Decimals |
2–3 | Students represent decimals to the thousandths using circle pieces, grids, base-ten pieces, number lines, symbols, and words. They make connections between the decimal representations. |
LESSON 4Compare and Order Decimals |
2 | Students compare and order decimals. They use place value understanding and benchmark numbers to round decimals. |
LESSON 5Life Spans |
1–2 | Students compare human life span data from 1858 to life span data from 2014. Students organize each data set into groups or bins to compare and analyze the data. Students then use fractions and graphs to describe and compare the different age groups represented in the data. This lesson prepares students for the Live Soap Bubbles lab in Lesson 6. |
LESSON 6Live Soap Bubbles |
2–3 | This lab extends students' investigations of the life spans of people in Lesson 5. Students collect, graph, and analyze data on the length of time soap bubbles live. They compare the graphs from their classroom experiment showing the “age at death” of bubbles to graphs showing the age at death of animals. They are assessed on their abilities to collect, graph, and analyze data and to use percents in the context of an experiment. |
LESSON 7Strategies for Adding and Subtracting Decimals |
3 | Students explore addition and subtraction of decimals using estimation, invented strategies, fraction circle pieces, base-ten pieces, hundredths circles, number lines, and hundredths grids. Students play a game involving moves on a number line to build strategies for composing, decomposing, adding, and subtracting decimals. |
LESSON 8Add and Subtract Decimals with Paper and Pencil |
2–3 | Students learn to add and subtract decimals with paper and pencil and create their own strategy menus. Students have the opportunity to practice using estimation and all of their addition and subtraction strategies as they play the Add or Subtract to 1 Game. |
LESSON 9Workshop: Decimal Concepts |
2 | Students play games to practice representing, comparing, ordering, adding, and subtracting decimals |
LESSON 10Strategies for Multiplying Decimals |
3 | Students explore the multiplication of decimals. They solve problems using models and paper-and-pencil strategies. They learn to use two methods to place the decimal point in the product, including estimating the product. Students estimate decimal products as they play the Three in a Row game. |
LESSON 11Strategies for Dividing Decimals |
2–3 | Students explore the division of decimals. They solve division problems using patterns, models, and strategies based on their place value understanding. |