Lesson 3

Comparing: How Many More

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

  • Talk with your partner. Which strategy did you like best to solve your problem? Was one more efficient or easier to use than the other? Why?

Choose several pairs to share their problems and solution strategies. Add any new strategies to the Addition Strategies chart.

  • Juan has $10 to spend at the circus. Julia has $4 to spend. How many more dollars does Juan have than Julia?

Challenge each student to use as many different strategies as they can to solve the problem. Ask students to write a number sentence that matches their solution.

After they have solved the problem, list students' strategies on the board or chart paper. Some possible strategies include matching up a line of 10 students and a line of 4 students and counting the unmatched, using connecting cubes to do the same, counting on from 4 using a number line, and making a ten with the use of a ten frame. See Figure 5.

  • Did you get the same answer each time you solved the problem? If not, what did you do?
  • Which strategy did you like best for solving this problem?
  • Was that the same strategy that you liked to use best on the How Many at the Circus problem?
  • Did you try a strategy that you have never used before?
Strategies to compare 10 to 4