Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.
Attach a desk number line (0–40) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.
Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
- You and your students will need:
20 connecting cubes or counters
number lines
100 Chart (Student Activity Book) Reference
a monthly calendar
- You will also need:
0–10 Small Ten Frame Cards
Masters (from Lesson 4 Teacher Guide)
LESSON 1Combining and Partitioning |
2–3 | Students identify tools and strategies to combine and partition numbers for sums to 10. They sort addition facts by their sums to identify ways to partition or separate a number into two parts. |
LESSON 2Practice Addition Facts |
1–2 | Students learn how to use Addition Flash Cards to practice the addition facts to ten. In this unit, students focus on developing mental math strategies for the addition facts in Groups A and B. |
LESSON 3Comparing: How Many More |
2 | Students use addition strategies to solve problems that involve a comparative situation. They use the At the Circus page to make comparisons between two sets of objects and determine how many more there are of one than the other. |
LESSON 4All about Ten |
2 | Students build all the sums of ten using ten frames, box diagrams, and number sentences. To practice these sums, they play a game using combinations of numbers that add up to ten. These activities provide opportunities for building a solid foundation for conceptual and procedural learning of the addition facts. Students will use the sums of ten as building blocks for developing strategies to learn new facts. |
LESSON 5Addition Strategies Practice |
2–3 | Students revisit the Addition Strategies chart made in Lessons 1–3 and discuss which strategies seem better suited to solve each fact. They then summarize those strategies into an Addition Strategies Menu for Small Numbers. Students revisit games and activities from previous lessons to choose practice that will help them develop strategies for the addition facts with sums to ten. |
LESSON 6At the Circus: Join and Take Away |
2 | A circus poster provides students with the opportunity to create, discuss, and solve addition and subtraction problems. This lesson introduces students to the take away or separate situation. Students are also guided to begin making connections between addition and subtraction as inverse operations. |
LESSON 7At the Circus: Compare |
1 | This lesson continues the work in Lesson 3, using addition strategies to solve comparison problems. Students make connections between addition and subtraction as inverse operations. They explore subtraction situations that involve comparing two sets of objects, determining which is more, and finding how much more. |
LESSON 8Subtraction Strategies |
2 | Students explore using tools and addition and subtraction strategies to solve take-away, part-whole, and comparative subtraction problems. They play the game How Many in the Bag to develop the counting-up strategy. They practice using number lines to help find the solutions to subtraction problems. |
LESSON 9Subtraction Strategies |
1 | Students find fact families while using strategies that apply the properties of addition and subtraction such as the commutative property (turn-around facts), properties of zero, and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Students use counting on and counting back strategies to solve facts from Groups A and B. |