Lesson 8

Subtraction Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

To close the lesson, use the completed subtraction Sorting Mat chart to discuss students' use of subtraction strategies. See Figure 11. The Sorting Mat showing sums from Lesson 1 should also be available for use in the discussion.

  • Look at all the problems with zero in them. How did you solve them?
  • Point out the problems you thought were the easiest to solve. How did you solve them?
  • Which problems did you think were the hardest? Let's list them. How did you solve them?
  • Did someone solve that problem a different way?
  • Can you explain [student name]'s strategy?
  • Show how to solve this problem using [student name]'s strategy.
  • Show how to use a [number line and the counting-up strategy] to solve this problem.
  • Show a partner how to solve this problem two ways.

The Sample Dialog touches on the following topics: subtracting zero; using tools such as cubes, number lines, and ten frames to solve problems; using counting strategies; and using addition to solve subtraction problems.

A completed chart for sorting subtraction cards