Lesson 8

Subtraction Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Solving Subtraction Problems at the Zoo

Use Addition and Subtraction Strategies.


There were 7 wolf pups in a den at the zoo. The zookeeper took 4 out of the den. How many were left in the den?

Model the problem using a bag to represent the wolves' den and connecting cubes to represent the wolves. Ask students to model the problem with connecting cubes.

  • What number sentence describes this problem?
    (7 − 4 = 3)
  • What do the numbers in the number sentence represent? (7 wolves; 4 wolves taken away; 3 wolves left)
  • Is there another way to solve the problem? (Possible response: I use a number line. I start at 7 and count back 4 hops. I land on 3.) [See Figure 3.]

Direct students' attention to the problems on the At the Zoo pages in the Student Activity Book. Display the Math Practices page in the Student Activity Book Reference section. Explain that their work will involve attention to three Math Practices in particular: [MPE1], Know the problem; [MPE2], Find a strategy; and [MPE5], Show my work. They can use connecting cubes or counters, number lines, and ten frames and any strategy they choose to solve the problems. In Question 7, they will show or tell how they solved the problem with words or drawings, MPE5. Remind students to include details about any tools they used.

Ask students to work in pairs to solve the problems. Monitor students as they work. Look for examples of students using tools like number lines, connecting cubes, diagrams or drawings, and ten frames. Also look for students using counting strategies like counting on, counting back, or reasoning strategies like making ten, and thinking addition strategies.


For students who need more of a challenge, ask them to solve problems a second way, or in as many different ways as they can. Acknowledge that their answer is correct, but encourage them to practice using other strategies that may be useful in the future. For example, "I see that you are able to use a ten frame really well. Can you show how to use a number line?" Help students who say, "I just know the answer" practice articulating their explanations by saying, "Can you show how you know by using one of our strategies?"

Share Strategies.

  • What two things are being compared in Question 1? (The price of an adult ticket is being compared to the price of a child's ticket.)
  • [Student name], show how you used a counting strategy to solve the problem in Question 1. (Possible response: I thought 7 plus how many more equals 10? I counted up 3 from seven. I put 7 in my head and then ... 8, 9, 10. 7 + 3 = 10.)
  • [Student name] used a ten frame to solve the same problem. Did you think about making ten? Can you show us how? (Possible response: I pictured 7 Xs in the boxes to show the price of the child ticket. 3 more boxes were needed to make ten, so that is how much more the adult ticket costs than the child's.) [See Figure 4.]
  • In Question 2, there are some parts and a whole. What is the whole? (the 6 monkeys total)
  • What is one of the parts? (the 4 monkeys on the floor)
  • [Student name], show how you used a part-whole diagram to find the other part. (Possible response: I put 6 cubes in the whole section, then I moved 4 to one part section. I moved the remaining cubes to the other part section and counted them. There were 2.) [See Figure 5.]
  • What is a number sentence that describes this problem?
    (4 + 2 = 6 or 6 − 4 = 2)
  • What do the numbers represent in the number sentences? (4 monkeys on the floor plus 2 monkeys in the tree equal 6 monkeys total. Or 6 monkeys total, take away the 4 monkeys on the floor, and there are 2 monkeys in the tree.)
  • Show how to use a number line to solve the problem in Question 2. (I started at 4 and hopped forward two times to 6. 4 + 2 = 6. 2 is the missing part so there were 2 monkeys in a tree.)
  • Show or tell how you solved the problem in
    Question 3. Include a number sentence.
    (Possible response: Lin shared zero pieces of candy. I thought about subtracting 0. When I take 0 from a number, the number stays the same, so 3 − 0 = 3.)
  • In Question 4, what is being taken away? (2 seals)
  • How did you solve this problem? (Possible response: I took 8 cubes and made a train. Then I took 2 away because 2 seals were on the rocks.)
  • Explain how to count back to solve the problem. (Start at 8 for all the seals in the water. Count back 7, 6 for the two seals on the rocks. So there are 6 seals left.)
  • Question 5 is also a compare problem. How did you you solve it? (Possible response: I started at 9 and counted back three times: 9, 8, 7, 6 so 9 − 3 = 6.)

Ask students to find a new partner with whom they can share their answers to Questions 6–7. After the pairs have conferred, select a student to demonstrate how to use a ten frame to help see the difference between the number of tigers in the Big Cats building (5) and the total number of cats (10). The difference is the number of lions in the building.


Use Check-In: Questions 4–7 on the At the Zoo pages in the Student Activity Book and the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to represent subtraction using stories, drawings, diagrams, counters, number sentences, number lines, and ten frames [E2]; use strategies that apply the properties of addition (e.g., turn-around) to solve subtraction problems [E4]; solve word problems (e.g., separate/take away, part-whole, or compare) involving two whole numbers whose answer is less than or equal to 10 [E6]; subtract using invented, counting (e.g., counting on, counting up, counting back), and reasoning (e.g., making ten, using ten, using doubles) strategies [E7]; know the problem [MPE1]; find a strategy [MPE2]; and show work [MPE5].

See Figure 6 for an example of a completed Feedback Box.

Counting-back on a number line
Making ten strategy
Part-whole diagram for 4 + = 6
An example of a completed Feedback Box for At the Zoo