Lesson 4

All about Ten

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Play Make Ten Game

Using a display of the game Make Ten, read the rules for the game and explain how to play with two student volunteers. If possible, play the game on a rug or other area where the rest of the class can surround the players to view the action. Students can share knowledge with each other on how to use a variety of strategies to help them make ten. Remind students that each time they play a combination of cards on the table, they must say the related number sentence aloud. Although the rules for Make Ten do not limit the number of addends that can make ten, limit the number of addends to two to reinforce the work students did in Part 1.

Assign the Make Ten at Home Homework Master. Students play the same game at home with their families and keep track of their play on the homework page.


You may want to provide a blank ten frame for students who need additional support.
