Lesson 5

Addition Strategies Practice

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Addition Facts Practice

Refer students to the Addition Practice Menu page in the Student Activity Book. See Figure 4. During this part of the lesson, this Practice Menu will help guide students to learning centers that you have prepared and provide students the opportunity to revisit games and activities done earlier in the unit. In the first center, students will practice writing and solving Addition Stories. In the second learning center, students join a partner to play the game More or No More first introduced in Lesson 2. In the third center, students work with a partner to play either Ten Frame Flash: Ten Facts or Make Ten from Lesson 4. If students are struggling with recalling the partitions of ten easily, they should play Ten Frame Flash first.


Ask students to self-assess their abilities to add and subtract within 10 using invented, counting, and reasoning strategies [E7] as they choose practice on the Addition Practice Menu page in the Student Activity Book.

After introducing the activities, ask students to review the activities in each column again. Have students look at the facts in the first column.

  • Which addition fact or facts do you need to work on in the first column?

Tell students to circle one fact in the first column. Write and solve a story for this fact.

  • Which facts does this game help you learn? (Possible response: the +1, +0, +2 addition facts)
  • If you think you need to practice these facts, circle the game in this column.
  • Can you easily name the partitions of ten?
  • If you can, circle the Make Ten game; if you cannot, circle the Ten Frame Flash: Ten Facts game.

When students seem ready with their tasks, direct students to the materials you have placed in learning centers. When most students are done with an activity in a center, ask students to move to another center. These activities can be done over multiple class sessions as well. See the TIMS Tip.


There are many ways to manage the variety of activities in the Addition Practice Menu.

  • Have the entire class work on the Addition Stories together. Then on another day, have students choose a game to play and on another day ask students to play a different game.
  • Set up four different learning centers and ask students to rotate through the activities as needed. Students who know their partitions of ten do not need to play Ten Frame Flash: Ten Facts.
  • Each column can be addressed during a different day or part of the day rather than having activities running at the same time.
Addition Practice Menu from the Student Activity Book