Lesson 2

Invented Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

You will need a display of the Two Ten Frames Master and connecting cubes or counters. Arrange 8 connecting cubes on the top ten frame and 4 on the bottom ten frame. Flash the display on for a few seconds, then turn it off. Ask:

  • What number do you see? (12)
  • How many cubes need to move to the 8 to make ten? (2)
  • How many are left? (2)

Then turn on the display to confirm students' thinking.

Arrange 10 connecting cubes on the top frame and 2 on the bottom ten frame. Flash on the display for a few seconds, then turn it off. Ask:

  • What counters do you see? (12)
  • Which organization was easier to count, the first arrangement or this arrangement? (this arrangement)
  • Why? (Possible response: It is easy to see the ten.)

Repeat this discussion for several more problems. Such as 7 + 6 and 5 + 7.

C. Ten Frame Flash  

I will show you two ten frames and flash the display on and off. Tell the number shown and how you know.