Lesson 4

Bouncing Ball

Est. Class Sessions: 4–5

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this DPP item to practice the multiplication facts for the last six facts.

  1. 560
  2. 2400
  3. 48,000
  4. 2800
  5. 7
  6. 1
  7. 7000
  8. 0

M. Multiplying by 10

Do these problems in your head.

  1. 7 × 80 = _____
  2. 6 × 400 = _____
  3. 8000 × 6 = _____
  4. 700 × 4 = _____
  5. n × 60 = 420  n = _____
  6. 800 × n = 800  n = _____
  7. 10 × 700 = _____
  8. 0 × 600 = _____