Lesson 5

Fractions on Number Lines

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Have fraction circle pieces readily available.

    1. 33/4
    2. 3
    3. 92/3
    1. 20/3
    2. 19/2
    3. 7/3
  1. Possible response: 7/3 and 21/3 are the same point on the number line.

Q. Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

  1. Write a whole number or mixed number for each improper fraction.
    1. 15/4
    2. 24/8
    3. 29/3
  2. Write an improper fraction for each mixed number.
    1. 6 2/3
    2. 9 1/2
    3. 2 1/3
  3. Use a drawing or number line to show why your answer to Question 2C is correct.