Lesson 1

Fractions in Simplest Form

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

This item can be used as a Problem of the Week.

  1. 6 ways
    Possible response: I made a chart that shows what to wear on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then I figured out all the ways to wear red on Monday. You can wear red on Monday, then yellow, then blue. Or you can wear red on Monday and switch the order of the other two colors. See my chart. Then I did the same for yellow on Monday and blue on Monday.

  2. 2 ways: Blue, Red, Yellow or Yellow, Red, Blue

B. Arranging Colors

Lee Yah received three sweatshirts for her birthday—a blue, a red, and a yellow one. She is deciding which one to wear to school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

  1. In what order can she wear the three sweatshirts? List all the different ways. Show or tell how you know you have all the ways.
  2. If she chooses not to wear the blue and yellow sweatshirts in a row (not blue, yellow and not yellow, blue), in what order could she wear the three sweatshirts? List all the different ways.
  3. Lee Yah bought a green sweatshirt. Now she has a different color to wear Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. In what order can she wear the four sweatshirts? Show or tell how you know you have all the different ways.