Students explore patterns in this unit. In Lesson 1, students collect, record, and analyze winter weather data and compare patterns to the patterns they found in the fall weather data collected in Unit 1. Students then look for patterns in the addition facts while analyzing an Addition Facts I Know chart introduced in Lesson 2. Students then identify, describe, and extend growing and repeating patterns that are represented with drawings, number lines, and the 100 Chart. They use these patterns to build number sense and make connections to number operations. Students then extend this use of pattern by composing shapes with smaller shapes along lines of symmetry. In the last lesson, students look for patterns on the face of an analog clock.

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1 Count forward and backward by ones, twos, fives, and tens.
E2 Read and write numbers to 50.
E3* Identify, describe, and extend repeating patterns on the 100 Chart and in lines of objects.
E4* Identify, describe, and extend growing patterns on the 100 Chart and on number lines.
E5* Identify the pattern unit in a repeating pattern.
E6 Represent patterns using objects, pictures, number lines, 100 Chart, words, and symbols.
E7 Compose shapes that have line symmetry.
E8 Identify the hours on an analog clock.
E9 Tell the approximate time using the hour hand.
E10 Read and describe patterns in data represented in a data table or bar graph.
E11 Make predictions and solve problems about a data set represented in a data table or bar graph.
E12 Demonstrate fluency with the addition facts in Groups A and B.
E13 Determine the unknown number in an addition or subtraction sentence relating three whole numbers for the facts in Groups A and B.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation