Lesson 9

The Hour Hand

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

After students have practiced reading a clock using the hour hand, explain that they are going to use one-handed clocks to solve some time mysteries. Display the Practice with One-Handed Clocks Master.

  • Frank is on his way home from school. He knows that he gets home a little bit after four o'clock. Which clock shows when Frank will be home? (Clock E, because the hour hand is right after the 4.)
  • Grace is getting up for school. Her mom said it was about seven o'clock. Which clock shows when Grace got up for school? (Clock C, because the hour hand is almost on the 7.)
  • Ana is getting ready for bed. Her bedtime is between eight and nine o'clock. Which clock shows when Ana goes to bed? (Clock B, because the hour hand is in the middle between the 8 and the 9.)
  • Jacob is washing his hands before dinner. Dinner is at about six o'clock. Which clock shows the time Jacob has dinner? (Clock F, because the hour hand is almost on the 6.)
  • Linda and Jackie are at school. They are getting hungry for lunch. Lunch is at twelve o'clock. Which clock shows that it is almost time for lunch? (Clock A, because the hour hand is right before the 12.)
  • Michael is waiting for his favorite television show to start. His show starts between seven and eight o'clock. Which clock shows when Michael's television show will start? (Clock D, because the hour hand is in the middle between the 7 and the 8.)

Assign The Hour Hand pages in the Student Activity Book to students to complete independently.

Use The Hour Hand pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to identify hours on an analog clock [E8] and tell the approximate time using the hour hand [E9].

Create a center activity for students to practice telling time using the hour hand on an analog clock. Prepare two sets of cards using the One-Handed Clock Cards Master and the Time Story Cards Master. Students can work individually or with a partner to match each clock face with the appropriate time story. A blank One-Handed Clock Cards Master is included so additional clock cards can be created. Time stories that revolve around the school routine can also be written; for example: We go to gym at about 10 o'clock.
