Lesson 5

Growing Patterns

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Mathematical Standards

Understand place value. (1.NBT.B.2)
Add and subtract within 20. (1.OA.C.5)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Reason quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Students identify, describe, and extend growing patterns represented with number lines and connecting cubes.

Content in this Lesson

  • Counting by two, fives, and tens [E1].
  • Identifying, describing, and extending growing patterns on the number line [E4].
  • Representing patterns using objects, pictures, number lines, and symbols [E6].
  • Identifying odd and even numbers.

Daily Practice and Problems K–L

K. Patterns with Links

L. Links


Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Book

Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Number Lines 0–30 (Student Activity Book) Pages 249–250, 2–3 copies
Display of Hopping in Patterns (Student Activity Book) Pages 251–252
Display of What Is My Pattern Game (Student Activity Book) Pages 253–254
Unit 9 Assessment Record
connecting cubes in 2–3 colors. See Materials Preparation.
self-adhesive notes, optional

Materials Preparation

Prepare Trains of Connecting Cubes. Prepare 16 trains of connecting cubes with the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 25, and 30. For every 5 connecting cubes, change the color to make it easier to count the cubes. See Figure 1 for sample trains of connecting cubes.

Figure 1: Trains of even number connecting cubes

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed
Add to the Pattern
with Feedback Box
Student Activity Book
Pages 255–256
Count forward and backward by ones, two, fives, and tens.
Identify, describe, and extend growing patterns on the 100 Chart and on number lines.
Represent patterns using objects, pictures, number lines, 100 Chart, words, and symbols.