Lesson 5

Growing Patterns

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Introducing Growing Patterns

Review Repeating Patterns. Begin the activity by reviewing repeating patterns. Display a pattern such as:

black_triangle black_square black_square black_circle black_triangle black_square black_square black_circle black_triangle black_square black_square black_circle

  • What can you tell me about this pattern? (Possible response: The pattern is triangle, square, square, circle, triangle, square, square, circle.)
  • What is the pattern unit for this pattern? (triangle, square, square, circle)
  • Describe how you find the pattern unit. (Possible response: Look to see what part of the pattern gets repeated.)
  • What comes next in this pattern? (triangle)
  • How would you describe this pattern using alphabet shorthand? (ABBCABBC)

Growing Patterns That Increase. Explain to students that they will learn about a new kind of pattern.

  • Now we are going to learn about a new kind of pattern. What do you think will come next? (3)

Students might focus on color but continue to show trains of connecting cubes with 3, 4, and 5 cubes. They may begin to see that the pattern concerns number and not color.

  • What do you think comes next? (6)

Students might be surprised to see that the color of the sixth cube in the train is changed, but explain that you changed the color to make the cubes easier to count. Have students predict what comes next until you reach the train of 10 cubes. Once students have recognized that the pattern is counting by ones, explain that this is called a growing pattern. Explain that a growing pattern changes in a way that we can predict. In the pattern of counting numbers, we can predict which number comes next by adding "one" to the previous number. See the Mathematics in this Unit section for more information.

A growing pattern can either increase or decrease with each successive component, even though the term implies that the numbers get larger. As noted in the definition, a growing pattern is characterized by a consistent arithmetic change between any two adjacent components. A pattern in which there is no change is a repeating pattern. It is the characteristic of change that defines a growing pattern. This change may be by subtraction or division, as well as by addition or multiplication. A consistent arithmetic change of, say, subtract two, will result in a pattern of decreasing numbers. According to the definition, this is a growing pattern. The important thing is for students to be able to recognize a simple number pattern and extend it correctly, whether the numbers are increasing or decreasing.

As you display the trains of connecting cubes, use self-adhesive notes to record the number of connecting cubes in each train. Students may see the patterns more easily with the numbers displayed near each train.

Repeat the activity, this time displaying the trains of 2 cubes, 4 cubes, 6 cubes, 8 cubes, and 10 cubes. Refer students to and display one of the number lines on the Number Lines 0–30 pages in the Student Activity Book. Represent the cube pattern by circling the numbers on the number line. Ask students to do the same on their number lines. See Figure 2.

  • What is this pattern? (2, 4, 6, 8, 10. It's even numbers, counting by twos.)
  • What is the rule for this pattern? How can we predict what the next number will be? (Possible response: Add two to the number before. Start at 2 and skip every other number.)
  • What number will come next? (12)
  • How do you know? (Possible response: I added 2 to 10, because we left off at 10.)

Repeat the activity and the discussion with odd numbers with trains of 1 cube, 3 cubes, 5 cubes, 7 cubes, and 9 cubes. Represent the pattern with the connecting cubes and on a number line. Use a different number line on the Number Lines 0–30 pages so that later you can compare the patterns.

  • What pattern is this? (1, 3, 5, 7, 9; odd numbers; skip counting by 2s)
  • How is this pattern the same as the even numbers? (Possible response: You count on two each time to get the next number.)
  • How is it different from the even numbers? (It starts at a different number.)
  • What does this pattern look like on the number line? (Every other number is marked but starting with one.)

Repeat with trains that have lengths that are multiples of fives: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. Represent the pattern with connecting cubes, numbers, and then by circling the number on the number line. Have students volunteer other growing patterns and show them on the number line.

Growing Patterns That Decrease. Next, try the activity with decreasing numbers. Start by showing trains of 10 cubes, 9 cubes, 8 cubes, and so on.

  • What pattern is this? (10, 9, 8, 7; counting down by one)
  • What comes next? (6, 5, 4)
  • How do you know? (6 is one less than 7.)
  • What does this pattern look like on the number line? (Every number is marked but starting with 10.)

Repeat this discussion and these representations with other decreasing patterns. Try a few more such as:

9, 7, 5, 3, 1

14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0

30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0

See the Sample Dialog to guide your discussion of growing patterns that decrease by twos.

Use this Sample Dialog to discuss growing patterns that decrease.

Teacher: [displaying the trains of 14 cubes, then 12 cubes, 10 cubes, etc.] What is happening now?

Alex: The trains are getting smaller.

Teacher: Who can predict what is next in this pattern?

Samuel: Eight is next, because it's going backward, 14, 12, 10, then 8.

Teacher: But why wouldn't the next number be 9 since I'm going backward?

Samuel: Because you're going backward by twos. It's like you're counting by twos by going backward.

Teacher: That's right, Samuel. What do you think my next train of connecting cubes will be?

Nicole: I think it will be 6.

Teacher: How did you figure that out, Nicole?

Nicole: I started at 8 on my number line and I moved back two: 7, 6. I got to 6.

Teacher: That's a great strategy, Nicole. When the numbers are getting smaller, we count back on the number line. Do you think this is a growing pattern?

Roberto: I think it's a shrinking pattern.

Teacher: We call this shrinking pattern by the same name: growing pattern. I guess we say the numbers are growing smaller instead of growing larger. The important thing to remember is that each new part of the pattern has to change from the one before it.

Growing pattern on a number line