Lesson 5

Growing Patterns

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Missing Numbers

To show growing patterns in which some elements are missing, display the following: 0, 1, 2, ___, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

  • What number should go in the empty space? (3)
  • How do you know? (Possible response: It's the next number after 2 and before 4.)
  • What is this pattern? (Possible response: It's counting by ones; add one to the number before.)
  • What will be the next number after the 8? (9)
  • How do you know? (Possible response: I count on one more from 8.)

Show a few more examples. Next, display the Hopping in Patterns pages in the Student Activity Book. Work on Question A together.

  • Look at Question A. The math hopper is hopping in a pattern on the number line. The numbers in the boxes are 0, 2, and 4 and then we come to an empty box. What number goes in the next empty box on the number line? (6)
  • How do you know? (Possible response: Start at 0 and skip every other number.)
  • What is this growing pattern? (Possible response: It's counting by twos starting at zero.)
  • Extend the pattern. What other numbers does the math hopper land on? (8 and 10)
  • Now write the numbers in the growing pattern in the boxes below the number line. (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

Have students continue to work on Questions B–D.

For Questions E–F, the math hopper is hopping in a growing pattern that decreases. When students write the pattern in the boxes below the number line, they might be surprised to see the highest number in the first box. Explain that the pattern is decreasing so they write the highest number first. Work on Question E together.

  • If the math hopper starts at 13 and he's hopping backward, are the numbers growing larger or smaller? (They're growing smaller.)
  • How do you know? (Possible response: The math hopper is facing toward the zero so the numbers are growing smaller; 11 is smaller than 13.)
  • We can say that if the math hopper is facing toward the right, the numbers are getting larger and if the math hopper is facing toward the left, the numbers are getting smaller.
  • What is the pattern? (Possible response: It's counting backward by twos.)
  • If we start at 11 and go backward, what number goes in the next box? (9)
  • Look at the pattern recorded. Why does 13 go in the first box? (Possible response: The pattern is counting backward by twos and we start with 13.)
  • When you record the pattern, the first number is where the math hopper begins and the last number is where the math hopper ends. Since the numbers are getting smaller, we start at 13 and end with 1.

Continue guiding students as they complete Questions E and F. Remind students that when they record the pattern the first number is where the math hopper starts. In Question F the math hopper starts on 16 and ends on 1, the last number in the pattern.

When students finish the Hopping in Patterns pages, call on individual students to describe the patterns they identified and explain their strategies for determining which numbers to place in the boxes.
