Lesson 8

Pattern Block Symmetry

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Before the Lesson

Choose a Symmetry Model. Choose one of two ways to model symmetry. Following are descriptions of two different ways to model symmetry with a folded sheet of paper. Choose one and gather appropriate supplies.

Paint Model. Open the folded sheet and paint an irregular shape on one side of the fold. Make this shape at least 2 in. x 3 in., but do not cover the entire side. Be sure to paint up to the edge of the fold. Use only one color of paint and make sure that the paint is applied reasonably heavy so it will smear onto the other side when folded. Fold the paper together, pressing the paint inside onto the unpainted side but making sure that the two sides do not slip against each other. Open the paper and show the finished image. See Figure 1. The image should be symmetrical.

Scissors Model. Use scissors to make a symmetrical shape from a folded sheet of paper. Keeping the paper folded, cut one or two shapes into the folded edge. See Figure 1. Make the cutouts large enough to be seen but not so large that the integrity of the paper is compromised. Open the paper and show the class the finished image.

Paint and scissors options