Lesson 8

Pattern Block Symmetry

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Collecting Weather Data

Define Line Symmetry. Begin the activity by telling students they will use a folded piece of paper to make a shape that is symmetrical using one of the strategies described in Before the Lesson. Write the word "symmetrical" on the board and ask students if they have ever heard the word or if they have ideas of what a symmetrical picture might look like. When students finish painting or cutting their images, have them unfold their papers.

  • What happens when you unfold the paper?
  • How would you describe the image? (Possible response: It looks like the same picture on both sides.)
  • What do you notice about one folded half of the image compared to the other half?

If a figure has line symmetry, it can be folded so that its two halves match. The fold line is the line of symmetry. It divides the shape into two congruent halves that are mirror images of one another. Note that the line of symmetry exists even if it is not folded or drawn. Folding or drawing helps young children see where it is. Many figures contain more than one line of symmetry. For example, a rhombus has two lines of symmetry as shown in Figure 2.

Another type of symmetry, rotational symmetry, often occurs in pattern block designs. A figure with rotational symmetry, or turn symmetry, can be rotated so that it "fits" on itself. The letter S, for example, does not have line symmetry, but does have rotational symmetry. It fits on itself if rotated a half turn. Rotational symmetry will be addressed in second and fourth grades. However, some students may build designs that have rotational symmetry. If so, reinforce students who identify it, and discuss it with the class.

Conduct a class discussion and write comments on chart paper that relate to the concept of line symmetry. See the Sample Dialog.

  • A figure with line symmetry has two halves.
  • The two halves match exactly.
  • You can draw a line through the shape that divides the two sides in half. This line is called the line of symmetry.
  • The figure is flipped from one side over the line of symmetry to the other; it is a mirror image.
  • Sometimes the line of symmetry is there, but many times it is invisible. Drawing it helps us see where it is.

Use the Sample Dialog to guide a discussion of symmetry.

Teacher: Remember, I told you that we would make pictures that could help us learn what symmetrical means. What did you notice about your picture, Keenya?

Keenya: I only painted one and it made two. And they are just the same.

Teacher: That's interesting. How did it make two?

Keenya: I painted on this side. Then it smeared onto the other side when I folded it.

Teacher: That's right, but why are they the same? [Writes "same picture" on the board under the word "symmetrical."]

Keenya: Because it painted on the other side only in the places where there was already paint.

Teacher: Yes, because the paint on one side made its same picture onto the other side when you folded it. Anyone else have a comment?

Michael: Mine is backward. This one on my first side has a stick coming out, and the other picture has a stick coming out, but it's on the other side of it.

Teacher: That's an interesting thing to notice, Michael. The second picture is not just exactly like the first one, is it? Something is different.

Michael: It is just the same, except it's turned over.

Teacher: Yes, we say it looks like someone flipped it over. The exact same picture, just flipped over. [Writes "flipped" on the board.] Anything else?

Jessie: On mine, it's like there's a line down the middle. Anything that's on one side is on the other side of the line.

Teacher: That's another good point, Jessie, and we'll write that on the board, also. It's like there is an imaginary line down the middle of the picture. It divides the paper into two sides. We call this the line of symmetry. Everything on one side of it is exactly like everything on the other side, except it's flipped over.

Make Symmetrical Shapes. Introduce symmetrical shapes by displaying the pattern block design in Figure 3.

  • Is this shape symmetrical? If you cut it in half would each half be the same? (Yes.)
  • How do you know? (Possible responses: one side is just like the other side; I could flip one half on top of the other half.)
  • Where would you cut the shape in half? (Between the trapezoids)

Direct students' attention to the Pattern Block Symmetry pages in the Student Activity Book. Display the Trapezoid Man shape and Questions 1–2. Ask students whether they think the shape is symmetrical. Elicit an observation that the figure is symmetrical except for the fact that the left-hand side is drawn with solid lines, the right-hand side with dotted lines. Ask students to fill in the left-hand side with solid lines using pattern block trapezoids. Then place one or two pattern blocks on the right-hand side.

  • How can I find out where I should place the pattern block on the other side to make Trapezoid Man symmetrical? (Possible responses: The blocks will be the same but flipped. I can cover the blocks on the first side then flip the blocks over the line. Or, I can flip the blocks on the first side over the line and then fill in the first side again).

Ask students to use trapezoid pattern blocks to cover both sides of the Trapezoid Man page. Emphasize that students should put the pattern blocks on the half with solid lines first. When students have covered the shape with blocks, ask a volunteer to complete the page using a set of pattern blocks on a display.

  • How did you decide where to put the blocks?
  • Is Trapezoid Man symmetrical? How do you know? (Possible responses: He is the same on both sides, only flipped. If I folded him in half, both sides would match.)
  • Show us the line of symmetry.

Ask students to continue with Questions 3–6 to cover the Butterfly and Tree shapes using various pattern blocks as needed.

If students work in pairs and use one page from each Student Activity Book, they can display their work on both the Trapezoid Man and Butterfly sections at the same time.

Use Check-In: Questions 5–6 on the Pattern Block Symmetry pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use pattern blocks to compose a figure so that it is symmetrical. [E7].

The Is It Symmetrical game described in this lesson can be used as targeted practice composing shapes with line symmetry [E7]. Place copies of the page from the Student Activity Book and some pattern blocks in a learning center.

Is It Symmetrical Game. Introduce the Is It Symmetrical game by asking a student volunteer to play it with you on the display. Draw a vertical line to represent the line of symmetry, or use a display of the Is It Symmetrical page from the Student Activity Book. The game is played in pairs. The first player begins by placing one pattern block on the right side of the line. The second player places two pattern blocks on the left side of the line, one that is symmetrical to the first player's block and another for the first player to do the same in the next turn. Pairs continue to play until there are 12 to 14 blocks on the page. Have students play the game in pairs.

In a variation of this game, players can place two or three pattern blocks at a time on one side for the other player to add to on the other side to make a symmetrical figure.

  • What was difficult or easy about the game?
  • What strategies did you use? (Possible response: I looked at the piece on the board and then took another piece just like it and flipped it across the line of symmetry).

Introduce the My Pattern Block Shape page by explaining to students that they are to construct their own symmetrical shapes with six pattern blocks.

  • How will you choose which pattern blocks to use and how many?
  • What strategy will you use to complete the pattern?

Walk around the room and note whether the pattern blocks have been placed in a symmetrical shape and whether the students use a strategy that includes flipping the blocks over the line of symmetry.

Take photographs of students' shapes to collect and share symmetrical pattern block shapes.

Use the My Pattern Block Shape page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to compose a simple symmetrical shape. [E7].

Line symmetry versus rotational symmetry
Symmetrical shape composed of pattern blocks