X. What Are Words Worth?

Make yourself a chart where the letter A = 1¢, B = 2¢, C = 3¢, and so on until you get to Z = 26¢. Now find the value of words by adding together the amounts for each letter in the word. For example, the word cat is worth 24¢ because C = 3¢, A = 1¢, and T = 20¢.
- What is the value of the word money?
- What is the value of your first name?
- Who has the most valuable name in your family? List the names in your family and their values.
- Which word is more valuable, diamond or emerald?
- Try to find a word that is worth exactly $1.00.
- Find the shortest word you can that is worth more than $1.00.
- What is the most valuable word you can find?
- What would be the value of your first name if the letter A = 10¢, B = 20¢, C = 30¢, and so on? Explain how you know.