Lesson 2

Fractions and Decimals

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

DPP Challenge D can be used as a Problem of the Week. Encourage students to share their strategies for solving this problem. One strategy is shown below.

Grace: Hamburger, Nature Display, Excavation

Roberto: Soup, Fossils Collection, Quarry

Peter: Chili, Movie, River Bluff

One possible strategy: Use a table.

D. Logic at a National Park

Grace, Roberto, and Peter visited the National Park on a field trip. Each had a different favorite activity at the park (wildlife movie, fossil collection, or nature display). Each liked a different location at the park (the quarry, the excavation, or the river bluff). Each bought a different lunch (chili, hamburger, or soup). Read these clues to see who liked what best.

  1. Grace bought a hamburger for lunch, and Peter enjoyed the movie.
  2. The boy who loved fossils and the quarry talked to the park ranger.
  3. The boy who ate chili and likes the river bluff wrote notes in his book.