Lesson 4

Compare and Order Decimals

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Encourage students to draw a picture to help them solve the problem. Have fraction circle pieces readily available.

  1. 4 dress shirts
    1. 2 white dress shirts
    2. 1/10
    3. .1
  2. 10 work shirts
    1. 6/20 or 3/10 are t-shirts
    2. .3

L. Shirts

A closet has 20 shirts.

  1. 1/5 of the shirts are dress shirts. How many dress shirts are in the closet?
    1. 1/2 of the dress shirts are white. How many shirts are white dress shirts?
    2. What fraction of the shirts in the closet are white dress shirts?
    3. Write this fraction as a decimal.
  2. 1/2 of the shirts are work shirts. How many work shirts are in the closet?
    1. The rest of the shirts in the closet are t-shirts. What fraction of the shirts are t-shirts?
    2. Write this fraction as a decimal.