Lesson 9

The Hour Hand

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Display 38 pennies on a display of the Ten Frames page in the Student Activity Book Reference section.

  1. 5, 10, 15…35, 36, 37, 38 7 nickels; 3 pennies left over
  2. 10, 20, 30, 31, 32…38 3 dimes; 8 pennies left over

W. Skip Counting with Coins

Your teacher has 38 pennies. Help count them using ten frames.

  1. Skip count by fives to 38. Count the leftovers by ones. If you trade pennies for nickels, how many nickels will you have? How many pennies will you have left over?
  2. Skip count by tens to 38. Count the leftovers by ones. If you trade pennies for dimes, how many dimes will you have? How many pennies will you have left over?