Lesson 5

Fraction Puzzles

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

There are three key ideas in this lesson:

  1. There are numerous ways to represent the same fraction.
  2. To be a half, a shape should cover the same amount of space, or have the same area, as another half.
  3. Two halves, even those that have different shapes such as rectangles and triangles, make one whole.

Assess students' abilities to apply these ideas to a related task by assigning the Puzzle Proof page in the Student Activity Book for students to complete individually. Students may solve the puzzle using any strategy they choose. Some may cut and glue pieces together and some may use grids to prove that the shaded areas are both equal to three-fourths of a unit.

Use the Puzzle Proof page and the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to recognize that equal shares of the same whole do not have to be the same shape but they must have equal areas [E5]; use words and models to describe equal shares (e.g., half, half of, one-fourth) [E4]; find a strategy [MPE2]; and show work [MPE5].

Equal shares of the same whole do not have to be the same shape