Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.
Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.
Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Gather about 100 each of several different non-standard units (e.g., large paper clips, small paper clips, sticks of chalk, crayons). See Lesson 6 Materials Preparation.
Gather and organize sets of pattern blocks (yellow hexagons, green triangles, brown trapezoids, blue rhombuses, red trapezoids, tan rhombuses, green triangles, purple triangles, orange squares). See Lesson 2 and Lesson 8 Materials Preparation.
Gather straws and prepare connectors (e.g., chenille sticks, paper clips). See Lesson 8 Materials Preparation.
Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
- You and your students will need:
Triangle Flash Cards: Group E
(Teacher Guide)
Subtraction Facts I Knowchart from Unit 9
200 Chart (Student Activity Book) Reference
Addition Strategies Menu (Student Activity Book) Reference
connecting cubes
base-ten pieces
individual clocks
number lines
coin jars and coins from Unit 1 Lesson 1
a collection of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters)
- You will also need:
Centimeter Grid Paper
(Teacher Guide) Lesson 7
demonstration clock
LESSON 1Equal Shares |
2 | Students solve problems that require partitioning shapes and sets into equal shares. They share items fairly among two, three, and four people and build understanding of halves, thirds, and fourths. |
LESSON 2Partition Shapes |
2–3 | Students use pattern blocks to partition shapes into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths. They explore the concept of a unit whole and identify the fractional part when given the whole. Students learn that the same fractional parts of different-size wholes are not equal. |
LESSON 3Fair Shares or Not Fair Shares |
2 | Students use models to find and describe equal shares. They learn that equal shares of the same square, rectangle, or circle do not have to be the same shape. |
LESSON 4Partition Rectangles |
1–2 |
Students use square-inch tiles to cover halves, fourths,
and thirds of |
LESSON 5Fraction Puzzles |
1 | Students informally experience adding one-half and one-fourth as they complete fraction puzzles where different representations of the two fractions are shown. They piece together both triangular and rectangular halves and discover that differently shaped halves still cover the same area. |
LESSON 6Find Area |
2 | Students review how to choose an appropriate unit of measure, use it, and report area measurement using both a number and a unit. They find the areas of shapes, including those containing half and fourth square centimeters, on a centimeter grid using counting, repeated addition, and reasoning strategies. |
LESSON 7Area Riddles |
1 | Students draw shapes consisting of whole, half, and fourth square centimeters on centimeter grids to solve riddles about area. Although designs will vary, each student's shape should have the same area. |
LESSON 8Getting to Know Shapes |
1 | Students use straws and chenille sticks to build proportional models of the pattern blocks. Constructing models of pattern block shapes helps students identify and describe shapes by their properties. |
LESSON 9Composing and Decomposing Shapes |
1 | Students use pattern blocks to fill in the outlines of polygons based on the pattern blocks. As they use the pattern blocks to compose the shapes, they learn the attributes of more obscure shapes. |
LESSON 10Sorting Shapes |
2 | Students use descriptors such as the number of sides, right angles, and parallel sides to sort the shapes they explored in Lesson 9. Students draw a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, septagon, and octagon. |