Lesson 1

Order of Operations

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • If students have a calculator at home, ask them to find out if it uses the correct order of operations.
  • After students understand the rules, assign Operation Target with different numbers for homework.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 1 and 2. Part 2 provides practice with the order of operations and the students play Operation Target.
  • Assign DPP items A–D. In Bit C, students practice finding the mean and the median runs in baseball games.
  • Challenge D can be used as a Problem of the Week to further develop students' understanding of the concept of average.

Math Facts. DPP Bit A asks students to self-assess their fluency with the division facts for the 2s and 3s using Triangle Flash Cards and record their progress on their Division Facts I Know charts. Task B provides practice using fact families for the 2s and 3s.

Home Practice Part 1 asks students to take home the Triangle Flash Cards to practice the division facts for the 2s and 3s.

To challenge or extend students' understanding of the order of operations:

  • Ask students to choose a variation from the Operation Target Game directions.
  • Ask students to write problems that a calculator will answer incorrectly if it does not use the conventional order of operations.
  • Ask students to write problems that a calculator will answer correctly if it does not use the conventional order of operations.