Lesson 1

Order of Operations

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

After students have worked on Questions 5–10 in the Operation Target section, lead a class discussion. Ask volunteers to show a display of some of the numbers they made as they answered the questions. They should include number sentences that show how they calculated the numbers.

  • What order did you use when you calculated the number?
  • Show how your number sentence matches that order.

Use the Order of Operations Assessment Master to check student understanding of the order of operations [E5]. Allow students to have their Student Guide open to the description of the order of operations in the Parentheses section while they complete the quiz.

Use the Operation Target Game as targeted practice.

When reviewing their work, note the following:

  • Can students follow the order of operations to solve a problem with no parentheses?
    (Questions A–C, E, F, H–L)
  • Can students follow the order of operations to solve a problem that contains parentheses?
    (Questions D and G)