Lesson 5

Hour Walk

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

Discuss and share a few solutions that you found interesting or that you think need additional feedback. For example, you could revise Grace's work or another student's work with the class, or you could highlight a solution that is a little different than others.

Ask the class to think about the solutions they just developed and wrote about.

  • What do you think you did well?
  • What do you think you need to work on? How can you improve the explanation you developed?
  • Was there a strategy that you found interesting?
  • Was there a strategy that you found confusing?

Ask students to attach the Hour Walk Work Feedback Box pages from the Student Activity Book to their written solution. Use it to provide feedback to each student using the Teacher-to-Student section and review the kinds of feedback students are giving their peers.

Use the Hour Walk Work Assessment Master to assess students' abilities to estimate products [E6] and to choose appropriately from among estimation, mental math, or paper-and-pencil strategies to multiply whole numbers [E8]. Provide feedback on these two Expectations using the Feedback Box on the Assessment Master.

Targeted practice for estimating products is available in Lesson 8 Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers.

Use students' written solutions to assess their Math Practices and communication skills [MPE1–6]. Provide peer and teacher feedback using copies of the Hour Walk Work Feedback Box from the Student Activity Book.