Lesson 8

Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2. Practice Choosing Multiplication Strategies

Discuss Estimation. Show a display of the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers Self-Check: Questions 1–4 from the Going to Camp section in the Student Guide.

Ask students to solve the problems individually using whatever strategies or methods they choose. Once students have had a chance to solve the problems, ask them to share their solutions with their neighbors.

  • Compare your answers. Did you each find the same answer for each question?
  • Did you each choose estimation as a strategy for the same problems?
  • Compare your estimates. Did you use similar benchmarks? Which ones?
  • Compare your strategies. Did you solve the problems in the same way?
  • Can you think of other ways to solve the problems?

Show students a display of the When Do We Estimate? Master. Students last saw this chart in Unit 4. Review the estimation situations listed on the chart.

  • Which of the Going to Camp problems fit these situations?

Questions 2 and 3 fit situations 2 and 3: we want a quick answer in our heads, and we don't need to know exactly how much money Luis and his sister need to go to camp—just whether they have more or less than $500. Estimating to check the exact answers to Questions 1 and 2 fits situation 1: we want to check if an answer is reasonable.

Tell students to keep these ideas in mind as they are solving problems today. Some of the problems involve situations in which an estimate is the most efficient strategy.

Set Up the Workshop: Choosing Strategies. Review the organization of this part of the Workshop by skimming the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers pages in the Student Guide. This part of the workshop addresses the Expectations shown in Figure 3. (Minis of the Student Guide pages not shown here are in the Answer Key.)

Choose Targeted Practice. Students begin each section by first answering Self-Check: Questions 1–4, either individually or with partners. They help students quickly self-assess their progress with the Expectations to help them choose which problems to work on in the Workshop.

Check students' choices to see how well they match your own assessment of their progress on the related Expectations. Help students make selections that will provide the kinds of practice they need.

Once students select the questions, match groups of students who have chosen similar sets of problems from the menu. Have students work with their groups to solve the problems they chose.

Use Self-Check: Questions 1–4 on the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers pages in the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to estimate products [E6] and choose good strategies to multiply multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers [E7, E8].

Expectations addressed in the last section of the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers
When Do We Estimate? examples from this lesson