Lesson 7

Multiplication Strategies for Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Have students work in pairs to complete the Smart Multiplication page in the Student Activity Book. Partners estimate reasonable answers to problems solved by Joe and Moe Smart to help identify Joe and Moe's errors. Then they find the correct solutions using the same method or strategy as the two boys used. Note that in Question 6, estimating might not flag the answer as unreasonable. However, Joe and Moe made an error in adding the partial products. When students have finished the page, discuss the errors made by Joe and Moe and ways to avoid them.

  • Can you tell what the boys did wrong?
  • Have you ever made that same mistake?
  • What is a mistake that you sometimes make?
  • Does anyone else make the same mistake as [student's name]?
  • Who has a suggestion for how to avoid [student's name] mistake?
  • What do you do to make sure you don't make a mistake?

Assign the Making Connections in Multiplication Assessment Master. Students will need to refer to theMultiplication Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers from the Student Activity Book or the Student Guide Reference section.

Use the Making Connections in Multiplication Assessment Master and the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to use place value and mathematical properties to multiply [E3], show connections between multiplication models and strategies [E4], estimate products [E6], and multiply larger numbers using mental math strategies and paper-and-pencil methods [E7].

Use this assessment to assign targeted practice in the Workshop in Lesson 8.
