Lesson 8

Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Before the Lesson

  • The Workshop: Multiplication Strategies with Larger Numbers in the Student Guide contains a variety of word problems. Some involve multiplication, some do not. The Camping Adventures problems are more challenging, both in terms of reading difficulty and the mathematics.
  • There are too many problems to assign at one time. The problems are organized into smaller sets of related problems. Let students choose which problem sets they want to solve. Allow them the flexibility to solve the problems using whatever strategies make sense to them. If a student needs more practice, assign the other problem sets one at a time.
  • Encourage students to choose a partner who is generally at their same level. Students can then choose problems and strategies that more closely meet their own needs. You may want to pair students yourself based on your observations of students' needs.

Prepare for the Workshop. Review student work and progress from previous lessons to guide instructional decisions about the following Expectations:

Demonstrate understanding of the place value concepts and mathematical properties involved in operations with multidigit numbers (e.g., use the distributive property to multiply).
Show connections between models and strategies for multiplication (e.g., demonstrate partial products using a rectangle model for multiplication).
Estimate products.
Multiply multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers using mental math strategies and paper-and-pencil methods (e.g., expanded form, all-partials, compact).
Choose appropriately from among estimation, mental math strategies, and paper-and-pencil methods to multiply whole numbers.

The Making Connections in Multiplication Assessment Master and Feedback Box in the Lesson 7 Student Guide provide specific information on these Expectations.

The Workshop opportunities in this lesson are split into two parts. In Part 1, the Multiplication Digits Game is introduced and students practice using and making connections between different multiplication strategies and methods. In Part 2, students discuss and practice choosing appropriate strategies for given situations.

Using the Practicing Multiplication Strategies Workshop Menus in the Student Activity Book, students select problem sets on the basis of their own levels of confidence. In the Connecting Methods section, Questions 1–12 address student understanding of different multiplication methods and the connections between them [E3, E4]. In the Using Different Methods section, Questions 13–16 provide additional practice applying strategies and methods [E6, E7]. See Figure 2. The problem sets on the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers pages in the Student Guide address students' abilities to choose appropriate multiplication strategies [E6, E7, E8]. See Figure 3.

Students play the Multiplication Digits Game for skill practice. They played addition and subtraction versions of the game in previous units. Students will need a set of Digit Cards 0–9 they prepared in previous units or will prepare with the Masters provided.
