Lesson 8

Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Share Workshop Experiences. Select a few problems from the Workshop to discuss as a class. You might choose these problems to represent common areas of difficulty for students or areas where students made significant progress over the course of the lesson.

  • How did [student name] solve the problem?
  • Did someone use a different strategy or method? Show us.
  • How are the strategies different?
  • Which strategy do you like better? Why?
  • Did you estimate for any of the problems?
  • Which ones?
  • Which kind of estimation strategy did you use?

Show students the When Do We Estimate? Master from earlier in the lesson. If students estimated, ask what type of situation led them to estimate. Record the examples in the last column. See Figure 4 for examples from the problem sets and games used in this lesson.

Ask students to complete Check-In: Questions 23–28 in the Student Guide.

Use Check-In: Questions 23–28 on the Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers pages in the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to estimate products [E6] and choose good strategies to multiply multidigit numbers by 1-digit numbers [E7, E8].