Lesson 2

Equivalent Fractions and Ratios

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Refer students to the Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.

  1. 322
  2. 1232
  3. 1890
  4. 1140
  5. 2480
  6. 35,670
  1. Possible response choosing Question E:
    62 × 20 = 1240
    1240 × 2 = 2480
  2. Round 54 down to 50 and 35 up to 40.
    50 × 40 = 2000

H. Multiplication Practice

Solve the following problems using a paper-and-pencil or mental math strategy. Estimate to make sure your answer makes sense. Use the Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.

  1. 46 × 7 =
  2. 77 × 16 =
  3. 54 × 35 =
  4. 38 × 30 =
  5. 62 × 40 =
  6. 7134 × 5 =
  1. Choose a problem and show how you solve it using mental math.
  2. Explain how you know your answer to Question C is reasonable.