Lesson 1

Order of Operations

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


    1. 1 run
    2. 2 runs
    3. Students can argue that the median of 1 run best describes her scores, since 4 out of 6 weeks she scored 1 run or less. Students may also argue that the mean of 2 runs takes into account the weeks she scored 4 and 5 runs and so better describes her performance.
    1. 1 run
    2. 3 runs; on the calculator:
      1 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 6 = 18;
      18 ÷ 7 = 2.57142857 or 3 runs, to the nearest run.
    3. The median number of runs stayed the same because the middle number is still 1 run. The mean changed from 2 runs to almost 3 runs, because the 6 runs in the last week pulled up the mean.

C. Median and Mean

Tanya's softball team plays a game once a week. She records the number of runs
she scores each week in a data table.

    1. What is the median number of runs Tanya scored in six weeks?
      (Fill in the circle by the correct answer.)
      1. 1 run
      2. 2 runs
      3. 3 runs
      4. 4 runs
      5. 5 runs
    2. What is the mean number of runs Tanya scored in six weeks?
      1. 1 run
      2. 2 runs
      3. 3 runs
      4. 4 runs
      5. 5 runs
    3. Which average, the median or mean, do you think best represents Tanya's scores? Why?
  1. The seventh week Tanya scored 6 runs.
    1. What is the median number of runs Tanya scored in seven weeks?
      1. 1 run
      2. 2 runs
      3. 3 runs
      4. 4 runs
      5. 5 runs
    2. Find the mean for seven weeks to the nearest whole number. You may use a calculator.
      1. 1 run
      2. 2 runs
      3. 3 runs
      4. 4 runs
      5. 5 runs
    3. How did Tanya's median and mean number of runs scored in a week change from 6 weeks to 7 weeks? Explain.