Lesson 7

Patterns on the 100 Chart

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Ask students to show a neighbor how to solve each question using coins, ten frames, number line, drawings, or symbols. Share and discuss each representation.

  1. 10¢
  2. 40¢
  3. Possible solution: I counted on from 1 dime: 20, 30, 40, 50. I needed 4 more dimes, so Sam had 40¢.

P. Loose Change

  1. Linda had some change in her pocket. Her uncle gave her a nickel. Now she has fifteen cents. How much did Linda have in her pocket to begin with?
  2. Sam's mom gave him milk money. He put it in his pocket. He took a dime from his piggy bank and added it to his pocket so that he would have fifty cents. How much money did Sam get from his mother?
  3. Show or tell how you solved Question 2.