Lesson 1

Equal Shares

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Encourage students to share their strategies for solving the addition problems.

  1. 134 jumps; student strategies will vary. Some students may use their 200 Chart and others may use invented strategies or a strategy from the Addition Strategies Menu. Encourage students who use different strategies to share.
    1. 20¢
    2. 40¢
    3. $2.00
    4. Possible response: I know 100 cents is the same as one dollar, so I added 100 + 100 = 200 or $2.00.

D. Jumping Rope

Use the 200 Chart and Addition Strategies Menu in the Student Activity Book Reference section.

The second graders participated in a Jumping Rope Marathon for charity. The jumpers earned 2¢ for each jump.

  1. Mara jumped 119 times without stopping. Carla jumped 15 more times than Mara. How many jumps did Carla make? How did you find your answer?

    1. Peter jumped 10 times. How much money did he earn?
    2. Julie jumped 20 times. How much money did she earn?
    3. Peter jumped 100 times. How much money did he earn?
    4. Explain your strategy for Question 2C.