Lesson 2

Divisibility Rules

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

  1. Irma—7:55
  2. 24 minutes
  3. Answers will vary. Possible response: Maya arrived 10 minutes early and she wasn't the first one, so 6 minutes didn't work.

F. Never Too Late!

The school bell rang at 8:25 A.M. Maya arrived 10 minutes early and played with Irma. Irma had already been playing for 20 minutes. When Luis arrived, he joined Irma, but he had to wait about 4 minutes until Maya arrived. Linda arrived 6 minutes before the bell.

  1. Tell the order and the time each child arrived at school.
  1. How many minutes had gone by from the time the first student arrived until the last student arrived? (Fill in the circle by the correct answer.)
    1. 24 minutes
    2. 15 minutes
    3. 20 minutes
    4. 19 minutes
    5. 6 minutes
  1. Explain why you did not choose answer E.