Lesson 5

Hour Walk

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


This DPP item provides practice with the multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s using numbers ending in zero.

  1. 1600
  2. 120
  3. 120,000
  4. 10,000
  5. 1500
  6. 1200
  7. 0
  8. 300

O. Multiplying with Numbers Ending in Zero

  1. 80 × 20 =
  2. 40 × 3 =
  3. 3000 × 40 =
  4. 20 × 500 =
  5. 50 × 30 =
  6. 600 × 2 =
  7. 0 × 20 =
  8. 10 × 30 =