Lesson 8

Workshop: Multiplication with Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Students were introduced to the game Draw, Place, and Read in Unit 6 Lesson 4. This game can be played as a class, in pairs, or in small groups. Each group will need a set of Digit Cards 0–9. If students are struggling with place value, distribute copies of the Place Value Chart Master.

Z. Play Draw, Place, and Read

Play the game Draw, Place, and Read. Use a set of Digit Cards 0–9. Draw 7 blanks on a sheet of paper as shown below.

_____, _____ _____ _____, _____ _____ _____

  1. A caller will draw 7 digits from the cards.
  2. After each draw, players record the digit that was drawn on any of the seven blanks. Once a digit is recorded, it cannot be moved.
  3. After all seven draws, the person who makes and reads the largest number earns a point.