Lesson 2

Fact Families

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Have students work in pairs to quiz each other on the multiplication facts for the 5s, 10s, and square numbers. Have them go through the entire set of cards once for each partner and fill in their Multiplication Facts I Know charts. Students circle only those facts that they know and can answer quickly. However, remind students that if they know a fact, they also know its turn-around fact. So, if they circle 5 × 3 = 15, they can also circle 3 × 5 = 15. Also remind students of the discussion of multiplication by zero and one. Using what they learned from Questions 26–29, they can circle the facts for zero and one.

Students make a list of the facts for the fives, tens, and square numbers that they did not circle on their charts. They take this list home along with their flash cards so that they can practice the facts they need to study with a family member. Have students write all the number sentences in the same fact family for any fact that they missed.

As students assess each other on the 5s, 10s, and square numbers and record their progress on their Multiplication Facts I Know charts, they provide a baseline picture of their ability to demonstrate fluency with the multiplication facts for the 5s, 10s, and square numbers [E10].

See the Letter Home for targeted practice strategies.
