Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Make a set of Digit Cards 0–9. See the Teacher Notes for DPP items O and P.
Gather materials for spinners (See Materials Preparation for Lessons 4, 6, or 9).
Students will need the following tools readily available for the
Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- square-inch tiles
- clock with second hand or timer
- calculators
- Multiplication Facts I Know
charts (See Lesson 2)
LESSON 1Multiplication and Rectangles |
2–3 | Students explore multiplication by investigating the dimensions of rectangular arrays. They then use their rectangles to investigate multiples, prime numbers, composite numbers, and square numbers. The use of exponents to write square numbers is introduced. |
LESSON 2Fact Families |
2 | This lesson introduces the yearlong review of the multiplication facts and launches the systematic strategies-based approach to gaining fluency with the division facts. Students learn the connection between multiplication and division through the use of fact families. They solve word problems to develop and enhance their understanding of the division operation. Flash cards are used to assess their fluency with multiplication facts for the fives, tens, and square numbers. |
LESSON 3Factors |
2–3 | Students use rectangular arrays to discuss factors, including a way to find factors using a calculator. They find factors of several numbers and investigate prime numbers. They use number lines to make connections between factors and multiples. |
LESSON 4Floor Tiler |
1 | Students play a game that provides practice with the multiplication facts. Each player spins two numbers and uses the product of the numbers to color in rectangles on grid paper. Players take turns spinning and filling in rectangles until someone fills in the grid completely. |
LESSON 5Break-Apart Products |
2 | Students break products into the sum of simpler products. For example, 6 × 12 is broken into (6 × 10) + (6 × 2). They draw a rectangular array on grid paper to represent a product, divide the array into two smaller arrays that represent easier products, and add the easier products to get their answers. These activities help students develop an understanding of the distributive property of multiplication. | |
LESSON 6Workshop: Factors, Multiples, and Primes |
1–2 | Students choose targeted practice to further develop concepts of factors and multiples. Students also work on using rectangles and the break-apart products strategy to multiply and divide. |
LESSON 7Multiplying More Than Two Factors |
1 | Students begin this lesson by finding products of three factors. They explore using the turn-around rule (Commutative Property) and grouping strategies (Associative Property) for multiplying more than two factors. They also use these strategies to find products involving numbers that are multiples of ten, such as 20 × 3. Finally, exponents are introduced as a shortcut for writing products involving repeated factors, such as 2 × 2 × 2 = 8. |
LESSON 8Prime Factors |
2 | Students begin this lesson by writing numbers (with several factors) as a product of at least three factors. Factor trees are then introduced to help students find the prime factorization of the number. To tie together the work they have done so far in the unit, students write and solve number riddles that involve the terms multiple, factor, prime, and square number. |
LESSON 9Product Bingo |
2 | Students play a game that provides extended practice with multiplication facts. They explore strategies for designing boards for the game by finding factors of numbers and identifying prime numbers. Students communicate their reasoning as they solve these problems. |
LESSON 10Break-Apart Products with Larger Numbers |
2–3 | Students extend the break-apart method to one-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems. For example, 6 × 32 is broken into 6 × 30 + 6 × 2. To model this idea, they draw a rectangular array on grid paper to represent a product, divide the array into two smaller arrays that represent easier products, and add the easier products to get their answers. They then make connections between using rectangles and using expanded form to multiply. |