Lesson 5

Fractions on Number Lines

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Display the Show That Fraction master. Ask a student to choose a fraction, and represent it using symbols, words, the two fraction strips, drawings, or the number line from 1 to 2. Then ask other students to come up and represent the same fraction using one of the other models including a drawing of any shapes they choose. See Figure 4. Continue until several fractions have been represented.

  • What fraction have you represented? (Possible response: 5/4)
  • How does what you have written (or drawn) show the fraction?

Encourage students to use the terms numerator and denominator in their explanations. For example, a student may show a number line divided into fourths and say, “The 4 in the denominator told me to divide the number line into fourths. The 5 in the numerator told me to count 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4 and put a point there.”

Possible representations of 5/4