Lesson 3


Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


This DPP item involves the multiplication facts for the 5s.

  1. 25¢
  2. 40¢
  3. 60¢
  4. 50¢
  5. 3 nickels
  6. 9 nickels
  7. 4 nickels
  8. 7 nickels

J. Nickels

What is the value of:

  1. 5 nickels?
  2. 8 nickels?
  3. 6 dimes?
  4. 2 dimes and 6 nickels?

How many nickels are in:

  1. 15¢
  2. 45¢
  3. 20¢
  4. 35¢