Lesson 6

Using Circle Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. Two sample shapes are shown below.
  2. Answers will vary.

    Perimeter of Shape A above to the nearest half centimeter: 21.5 cm

    Perimeter of Shape B is about 23 cm

    Remind students to use a ruler to measure. The distance across the diagonal of a square centimeter is about 1.4 cm and is not the same as the length of a side (1 cm).

    If needed, provide copies of the Centimeter and Inch Ruler Master.

O. Area

  1. Draw two different shapes on the centimeter grid. Each shape should have an area of
    211/2 square centimeters.
  2. Use a ruler to measure the perimeter of your two shapes to the nearest half-centimeter.
    Are the perimeters the same or different?